All about omega-3
These are long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Omega-3 is the name given to certain long chain polyunsaturated (have many double bonds) fatty acids. These fatty acids are essential oils that must be consumed in one’s diet for optimal health as your body cannot manufacture them. In fact, failure to thrive will occur unless they are present in the food you eat. These fatty acids are found in the body oils of fish. Nutritional research is revealing new exciting information on fish oil which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. These are the fats that surround the body of the deep ocean fish. The layer of fat has a low freezing point and keeps the fish warm in the coldest waters. If not for this layer of fat, the fish would simply become frozen meat in the middle of winter.
Yes! There are the Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids. Omega-6 oils are mainly found in vegetable oils such as sunflower, soybean and safflower. These oils are generally used as cooking oils. Omega 9 oils are found in large quantities in olive, almond, avocado and peanut oils.
Probably not; a critical finding is that your body functions best when your diet contains a balanced ratio of Essential Fatty Acids. Yet our typical diet contains approximately 14 to 20 times more Omega-6 fatty acids than Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids have shown to be beneficial in reducing heart attacks, strokes, cancers, obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, lupus, depression, schizophrenia, post-partum depression, Alzheimer’s disease and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children.
Do not be put off by the term “fatty fish”. Even though some types of fish contain ten times more fat than others, they are still relatively lean. The fattest fish has about the same amount of total fat as the leanest cuts.
It follows then that we have the power to greatly enhance our health and well being by simply eating the “good fats” which will in turn cause the creation of “good eicosanoids”. Dividing these “good fats” gives us three types : Omega-3s, Omega-6s and Omega-9s. The Omega-3 and 6 contain the strongest power to generate eicosanoids. The Omega-9 are weaker and sometimes not labeled as essential but are nevertheless helpful.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids. You cannot make them. You must ingest them from diet. Even before you were born, you got them via the maternal cord in the womb. In the early months, you were fed abundantly with these fatty acids through breast milk.
The two most important components of Omega-3 fatty acids are the biologically activated oils – eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA is effective in reducing the risk of cardiac and circulatory diseases, while DHA is an essential structural component of the central nervous system. DHA is important for optimum development of the brain and the eyes and is therefore very important for the health of pregnant women and small children. New studies show that DHA can enhance intelligence and mental functioning. It is useful for children with learning disorders.
One should realize that Omega-3 oils have a relatively high energy content. However, since the daily dose is so small which is 2.4- 3.6 grams, there are only 9.6 to 13.8 calories per recommended dose. This is lower than the number of calories in a daily dose of cod liver oil.
No! The fish cannot produce the fatty acid components of these oils themselves. Only the ocean micro-algae can produce these fatty acids. The smaller fish live off these algae at the base of the marine food chain. The bigger fish eat the smaller fish and concentrate the oils in their bodies.
It is negligible. However, many manufacturers of cod liver oil are now adding Omega-3 fatty acids to their oils to ride on the Omega-3 bandwagon.
Primrose oil is more researched and better documented for eczema, menstrual problems and some skin conditions. However, the high intake of Omega-6 oils which comes mainly from plant sources such as corn oil, sunflower oil and primrose oil causes an imbalance of ratio of the Omega 3:6. Researchers have reported that current dietary intake favours the Omega-6 oil giving rise to an unfavourable ratio of Omega-3: Omega-6 at 1:20 (Kris-Etherton et.al – American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2000; 71) excess Omega-6 forms the Series II eicosanoids. Please turn to page 3 to know the long term effect of excess Omega-6. In these instances, Omega-3 oil like fish oil would be better.
Scientific interest in Omega-3 fatty acids and fish oils increased greatly when it was realized that population groups like the Eskimos and Japanese who consumed fatty fish had considerably lower mortality rates. It was determined that the oils in these fish provided the beneficial circulatory effects in these cultures compared to the general population.
Over 10,000 scientific papers have been published in well known and respected International Medical Journals like the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), British Medical Journal (BMJ), Lancet, Archives of Internal Medicine, Cardiology, New England Journal of Medicine, American Heart Association’s Circulation, dealing with and documenting the benefits of Omega-3 activated fish oils.
Omega-3 fatty acids have unique chemical properties.
1. They are able to attract oxygen molecules as they have space for such attachment. The scientific term for this property is known as surface activity or in a simple term, the tendency to disperse. This property allows the transport of substance such as toxins to the surface of the skin, intestinal tract, kidneys and lungs for it to be to be discarded.
2. Omega-3 fatty acids are slightly alkaline which allows them to form weak bonds that allow a unique one-way movement of electron across the cell membranes. These are the reasons why we recommend everyone to consume Omega-3 fatty acids. If we eat the correct fatty acids, our cellular membranes will be strong and flexible thus giving us a state of enhanced well being.
The daily-recommended dose of Omega-3 fatty acids is 1.5 grams. This corresponds to eating an average of 100 grams of fish or 500 grams of cod daily. The Center for Food Safety and applied Nutrition of the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has given GRAS of 3.6g of fish oil per day [GRAS – Generally Recognised As Safe]. We would suggest that taking 1.2g-1.8g of fish oil would further enhance absorption in your body.
Current studies recommend people to ingest a minimum of 1500 mg of Omega-3 oils daily. That dosage is roughly equivalent to the amount of oil contained in a 32-oz serving of ocean salmon (as opposed to “farm-raised”)! Even if you like fish, that is an enormous amount of food to eat. To assure the body receives an optimal dose of high quality Omega-3 fatty acids every day, 2-3 capsules of the double strength or 4-6 capsules of the 1000mg should be taken.
Nutritional experts have learnt that Omega-3 oils are vitally important during all phases of life and believe that a person’s diet should include oily fish several times per week. Omega-3 fatty acids are an excellent alternative for those who do not eat fish frequently or who would like to ensure an adequate intake of these essential polyunsaturated fatty acids.
There is a new technology that allows fish manufactures to selectively concentrate the long chain fatty acids like DHA and EPA while retaining the quality and purity of the oils. This has been pushed by new research documenting the need for higher levels of fish oils for therapeutic effects. With concentrated fish oils, you need to take fewer capsules. This means less capsules and cost. Also, no one likes to swallow more capsules than necessary.
Fish oil usually comes in concentration of 300mg of EPA and DHA per each 1000mg softgel. PRISTIN® FISHGEL™ contains 660mg of EPA & DHA which is the high strength Omega-3 in the market.
Taking 2 softgels of 300mg concentration per softgel does not equal taking one softgel of 660mg concentration because you are consuming a lot more “other oils” (those that make up for the remaining 70% of the softgel.) This is important for those who need a higher dose of EPA/DHA for therapeutic purpose.
In conclusion, make sure to properly read the label on any fish oil you buy. Should you choose to consume a fish oil supplement, choose a brand with a higher concentration of EPA & DHA per softgel.
To find the most cost effective Omega-3 supplements, you may want to use the formula recommended by Artemis Simopoulis M.D., the author of The Omega Plan:
- Add up the EPA and DHA per capsule
- Multiply this by the number of capsules in the bottle
- Divide the cost with the total EPA/DHA per bottle
- This will give you the cost per milligram
- To find out the cost per gram, multiply by 1000.
Vegetarians have the option of taking flaxseed. Flaxseeds provide the necessary raw materials to produce the needed EPA and DHA. Flaxseeds are one of the richest sources of alpha linolenic acids (ALA). This takes some time to convert and thus, flaxseed has a slower effect than fish oil. The body’s ability to effectively convert ALA to EPA or DHA declines with age. Thus, fish oil remains the best option to supplement with Omega-3 fatty acids.
They do. They are packed with phyto-estrogens (plant based estrogens). They are also packed with another substance called lignans. They have powerful protective effects. However, you do not get them when you take flaxseed oil. You must take the whole flaxseed for the lignans and phyto-estrogens.
At the core of both plant- and animal-source omega-3s is a cluster of molecules called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This ALA is a long-chain fatty acid that comes mainly from plant foods like walnuts, flaxseed, and green leafy vegetables. When your body absorbs fats containing ALA, enzymes convert some of it into longer, more highly polyunsaturated omega-3s called EPA and DHA. These desirable omega-3s are more beneficial to your health, but your body needs about ten ALAs to make one EPA. Fish, on the other hand, is rich in EPA and DHA. Eating fish simply means that your body is supplied with EPA & DHA directly without any conversion from ALA doesn’t have to work so hard converting fatty acids. Fish is your most accessible and concentrated source of EicosaPentaenoic Acid and DocosaHexaenoic Acid.
Safety Fish Oil
Yes. Total Health Concept’s PRISTIN® is a completely safe product. The fish oils are derived from the fat of deep-sea, cold waters of the North American Oceans. James J.Gromiley in his book “DHA – A Good Fat” highlighted that out of 22 brands of fish oil that was sold in America, 21 were contaminated.
However, our PRISTIN® is molecularly distilled from natural raw material, free from any toxic trace elements including PCB (PolyChlorinated Bipenyls), DOT and dioxins. Our fish oil has been tested by an accredited independent lab and found to be free from the heavy metals and toxins, which are often found in many other brands.
Molecular distillation is a process to separate the fish oil from the various ocean toxins and heavy metals that have different molecular weight. This is done at very low temperature under nitrogen to avoid oxidation. Reputable companies use a highly advanced molecular distillation that ensures that the fish oil is devoid of any detectable toxins, this latest state-of-the-art technology such as OMATECH™ is relatively very expensive. Only pharmaceutical companies can afford this process. That is why it costs much more to get the pharmaceutical grade fish oil.
OMATECH™ is a superior molecular distillation process to remove toxins from the fish oil at molecular level. This is the latest state-of-the-art /proprietary technology, which is relatively expensive. Only pharmaceutical companies can afford this process. That is why it costs much more to get molecularly distilled fish oil or sometimes known as pharmaceutical grade fish oil. OMATECH™ Advanced Molecular Distillation is accomplished under extremely low pressure so that the temperature required to distill undesirable compounds (such as RGB’s, DOT and dioxins) will not destroy the edible oil. OMATECH™ Advanced Molecular Distillation requires much more sophisticated equipment than typical distillation, and thus adds significantly to the cost of the final product.
Yes. It is a common problem of the fish oil. Fish oil undergoes rapid oxidation if left in open air due to the double bond that is present in its chain. We encapsulate our fish oil to prevent oxidization. We further incorporate a small amount of mixed natural tocopherols into our fish oil to retard the oxidization process.
Mixed natural tocopherols have anti-oxidant properties. It helps to prevent the attack of free radicals in our body as well as to control oxidization process in fish oil. Numerous studies have urged people to consume only mixed natural tocopherols, which are found abundantly in fruits and vegetables.
Keep your fish oil capsules in a cool and dry place away from light. We have helped you by packing our capsules in premium quality pharmaceutical grade amber glass bottles. This keeps out much of the light and moisture. This also minimizes oxidization. Furthermore, the presence of mixed natural tocopherols helps to stabilize the oil.
Yes! Fish oil is food. At the recommended doses it has not shown to interfere with doctor’s medication. Although there is some concern on the concurrent use of fish oil with aspirin & warfarin, however Emeritus Professor Dr Alexander Leaf from Harvard Medical University has assured that at the recommended doses, fish oil has not shown to interfere with doctors’ medications. Nevertheless, we will still advise you to seek for your doctor’s opinion.
The two most important components of Omega-3 fatty acids are the biologically activated oils – eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA is effective in reducing the risk of cardiac and circulatory diseases, while DHA is an essential structural component of the central nervous system. DHA is important for optimum development of the brain and the eyes and is therefore very important for the health of pregnant women and small children. New studies show that DHA can enhance intelligence and mental functioning. It is useful for children with learning disorders.
Health Benefits
EPA that is present in fish oil can help fatty acids deficiency in chronic fatigue syndrome. According to researchers from Hammersmith Hospital, UK, dietary supplementation with Omega-3 fatty acids may be a possible mechanism for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. This is because Omega-3 is able to reduce production of cytokine that is associated with chronic fatigue syndrome (Journal Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2002).
Increasingly, new data emerging from researches all over the world, seems to show that, EPA along with DHA, helps in mood disorders. As a consequence of the low fat diet, we are getting lesser amounts of the Omega-3 fatty acids for healthy brain function and mood levels. Depression is more strongly correlated with coronary artery disease than any other personality variable, probably because both are caused by lack of Omega-3 fatty acids.
Of course, Omega-3 fatty acids have been noted to have anti-inflammatory effect. A study was done on 29 children with bronchial asthma. They were given dietary supplementation with fish oil for 10 months. These groups were compared with a controlled group that was not given any fish oil supplement. Asthma symptom scores decreased in the fish oil group but none in the controlled group (Eup Respair J.2000 Nov; 861 -5.).
Another separate study done in Australia concluded that a high intake of Omega-6 oils from margarine and vegetable oil actually increases the risk of developing asthma. This study shows that Omega-6 oil promotes inflammation and Omega-3 fish oils on the other hand, is anti-inflammatory. (Thorax 2001 Royal Children Hospital Melbourne, Australia).
Studies have demonstrated that Omega-3 fish oil supplementation has an anti-inflammatory effect in Chronic lung disease characterised by difficulty in breathing (Chest 2005;28:3817-3827). It has a protective effect on exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) (Chest 2006; 129:39-49)
EPA supplementation can reduce morning stiffness, painful and swollen joints and ease movement that cripples arthritis (Adv. Ther 2002 Mar-Apr:19 (2)101).” Bad eicosanoids” created by the over consumption of refined carbohydrates and Omega-6 oils encourages the inflammation for joint pains. Supplementation of Omega-3 fish oil suppresses the production of these bad eicosanoids (Atherosclerosis, 1990:81:209-216).
Fish oil supplementation actually improves clinical status in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (J. Rheumatol 2000 Oct: 27 (10); 2343-6) and is beneficial to patient with established rheumatoid arthritis (J. Rheumatol 2001 Nov: 28 (11): 2563-5). Fish oil won’t work as fast as a drug. It will not give you quick and temporary relief like aspirin would. You have to be patient as the healing from within, will take several months. Full modification of immunity may take up to nine months. Your patience will be rewarded as this therapy is free of side effects. (Arthritis And Rheumatism, 1994; 37: 824-29). Again, we are talking about high doses – between 3 to 4 grams of EPA.
Powerful anti-inflammatory effects of EPA are best demonstrated in auto-immune disorders. This is because supplementation of dietary omega-3 fatty acids might lead to a decrease in the number of auto-reactive cells such as the T cell which dies. Furthermore, fish oil supplementation seems advantageous especially in acute & chronic disorders where inappropriate activation of immune system occurs. The Omega-3 boosts the immune system that seems to identify parts of the body as invaders and takes an all out effort against those parts. Diets that are high in Omega-3 fish oils, increases the survival and reduce disease severity in spontaneous auto-antibody mediated disease (Proc. Nutr. Soc 1998 Nov: 57(4): 555-62). The doses of EPA and DHA in excess of 3 grams can actually calm down the active immune system.
The efficacy of Omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA has been demonstrated clinically in diseases like colitis and Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, characterized by the infiltration of activated T cells and monocytes/macrophages in the intestinal wall. The importance of omega-3 fatty acids in the prevention of intestinal inflammation in Crohn’s disease has been proposed by several investigators. The low incidence of Crohn’s disease in Japan for the past few decades suggest that, a fish-oil-rich diet has protected Japanese against occurrence of the disease. They found that the increased incidence of Crohn’s disease was strongly correlated with the increased dietary intake of total fat, animal protein and an imbalanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid. (J. Gastroenterol 2000; 35: 173-175).
Large doses – up to 10 grams a day – have lowered the number of angina attacks by 41 %. Tolerance to exercise can also increase. The risk of sudden death is also cut down to half! (Angiology 1994; 45 (12): 1023-31).
In fact four clinical trials on Omega-3 fish oils for heart were released in March and April 2002. In the study involving 11,000 heart patients and randomised to supplements of Omega-3 fish oils, there was a statistically significant reduction of 42% in sudden death due to heart disease after 3 months compared to placebo. (Circulation: April 2002; 105:1897).
In another study involving 85,000 female nurses who were free of cardiovascular disease and were followed up for 16 years, higher consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids was associated with lower risk of coronary heart disease. (JAMA 2002 April 10;287(14):1815-21).
A statistical analysis of all past studies (11 trials published between 1966-1999) involving Omega-3 fish oils also showed overall reduction of death due to heart attacks and sudden death in patients with coronary heart disease. (American Journal of Medicine March 2002; 112(4):298-304).
The Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish were also strongly associated with a reduced risk of sudden death among men without evidence of prior cardiovascular disease. This was the conclusion of a study of apparently healthy men who were followed up for 17 years in the Physician’s Health Study. (New England Journal of Medicine, April 2002).
There is now strong positive evidence to proof the efficacy of Omega-3 fish oil in reducing heart related incidence and death. This is now shown by the many clinical trials appearing in peer-reviewed International Medical Journals which are highly reputable and respected.
Fish oil has been documented to help prevent irregular heart beat (American Journal of Cardiology, 1995 76: 974-77). Fish oil supplements can help establish normal rhythm and work well especially combined with minerals and a sugar free diet (Canadian Journal of Pharmacology and Physiology, 1997; 75: 234-39). In fact Dr. Robert Marchioli of the GISSI group study proposed that the anti-arrhythmic effect of the Omega-3 fish oil was responsible for the 45% reduction of sudden death, in a study involving 11,000 Italian patients. (Circulation April 2002; 105:1897).
In a study, researchers led by Dr Alexander Leaf from Harvard Medical School have provided evidence that in individuals at high risk of fatal arrhythmia, regular ingestion of Omega-3 fish oil may significantly reduce them. (Circulation 2005; 112:2762-2768)
Fish oil has been shown to help control blood pressure at doses of just 2 grams daily. (Archives of Internal Medicine 1991; 151:1173-80) Early studies have yielded inconsistent results, but more recent experiments, using 4 grams of EPA and DHA daily have proven to be quite successful. (Annals of Internal Medicine, Dec 1995:123 (12) :911-18). They work better when employed in association with a low carbohydrate diet like the Zone Diet.
Recent research has shown beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids on serum triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes which may lead to a decreased rate of occurrence of vascular complication in diabetes (Diabetes metals 2002 Feb;28(1 ):20-6). In addition, fish oil helps to maintain flexibility of the arteries, important for decreasing plaque buildup that leads to hardening of the arteries. Fish oil supplementation also cuts the abnormal finding of protein in the urine of people with diabetic kidney disease. (Lipids 1990; 25(9):541-45).
An imbalance in eicosanoids can cause problems like eczema and psoriasis. A study was done by a group of German scientists showed that increased concentration of omega-6 fatty acid caused inflammation in psoriatic patients. However, intravenous Omega-3 fatty acids administration causes reduction of psoriasis (Br. J. Nutr 2002 Jan; 87 Suppl 1: 77-82). Daily dosages of 10 grams or more are required. Lower amounts do not always help.
A cross sectional analysis of data from the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reported an improvement in forced expiratory lung volume between adults who took Omega-3 fatty acids compared to those who did not consume. Omega-3 fatty acids was also protective against physician diagnosed emphysema and chronic bronchitis (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2000 Jan;71(1 Suppl):3935-65). Taking fish oil over a period of nine months improves results of pulmonary function test.
Absolutely! The growing baby needs lots of DHA in particular, for the brain and nervous system to grow. DHA is also the main fatty acid of the retina. It is also important for the development of a robust immune system. A dose of 1,500mg is recommended.
Many studies indicate that the DHA component of the Omega-3 family is essential to early childhood brain and retinal system development. Omega-3s is therefore believed to be essential to good health and normal development of both the fetus and new-born. Research indicates that children born to mothers consuming higher quantities of omega-3 rich fish are healthier at birth and exhibit higher IQs later in life, especially if the infant is breast fed for 6-8 months. It is important to understand that the beneficial long chain omegas-3s are found in fish, not vegetable source omega-3s like flaxseed oil.
Omega-3 fatty acid is the major fatty acid of brain tissue and the nervous system. The DHA content of the brain triples in the third trimester and increases five fold in the first three months after birth. Nature has made sure that the vital supply of this essential fatty acid is made available via breast milk. Thus, no supplementation is necessary during the breast feeding period. Nursing mothers need to take more Omega-3 fatty acids while she is breast feeding so that levels of Omega-3 fatty acid are adequate. After the initial breast feeding period, the infant may be fed by the Omega-3 enriched infant formulas. Omega-3 supplementation should be instituted after the third month.
The prevailing thinking is that the mood swings seen in bipolar disorder are triggered by overactive signalling between neurons in the brain. Many of the drugs used to treat bipolar disorder act by slowing down this neuronal activity. Previous research has suggested that the consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids is also associated with “a general dampening” of these brain-signalling pathways.
A group of researchers have found that the serum levels of DHA determine the availability of the hormone, serotonin, in healthy participants. In short, the more the DHA present, the higher the serotonin levels (Biochemical Society Transactions 1998; 26 (2): 5142). Most of the newer generation anti-depressants work by increasing the brain levels of serotonin. DHA does the same thing without the associated side effects.
Since the brain needs DHA, a rich supply of DHA would help keep the brain fit. It is presumed that DHA is able to prevent brain degeneration that is normally associated with aging-memory loss and decline in mental function.
At the extreme end of this aging spectrum is the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, there are clear trends pointing to an increased incidence of Alzheimer’s disease in the United States since the push to the low fat diet several decades ago.
Dementia is a condition where the intellectual faculties deteriorate. In fact, supplementing with DHA might reduce your risk of dementia. Ernst Schaefer from Tufts University found that the amount of DHA in the blood at age 65 is a possible predictor of whether or not you will become senile in old age. Schaefer determined the amount of DHA in the plasma of 1,137 healthy elderly individuals.
Over the next nine years, 64 of these subjects developed dementia. Those with the lowest DHA levels at the start of the study had 160% greater chance of becoming senile. Schaefer’s work supports an earlier Dutch study of 51 elderly men. In this study, men who were eating the most fish were least likely to become senile. Low Omega-3 fish level in plasma is a risk-factor for all forms of dementia and cognitive impairment. (Lipids 2000 Dec; 35[12] 1305-12.)
Interestingly, those who took diets high in Omega-6 fatty acids were mostly likely to suffer from dementia. (Kalmijin, S, E.J.M. Feskens, and D. Kromhout. polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Anti-oxidants, and cognitive functions in very old men. (American Journal of Epidemilolgy, 1997:145[1]: 33-41).
There is some intriguing new data about school going children. Recently, researchers at Purdue University measured the essential fatty acid levels of 100 boys aged between six and twelve. They found that kids with the highest levels of Omega-3 fatty acids have least learning problem. (Stevens, L.J., Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Boys with behaviour and health problems. Physiology And Behaviour, 1996: (4/5):915-20).
Supplementing Omega-3 fish oils might enhance mental abilities of adults. A certain type of brain wave called “p300” is linked with learning and memory capability. The faster the rate of transmission, the more efficient the brain functions. The mental capability rate declines with age and is even more noticeable in those affected by dementia.
This theory was tested on twenty six normal healthy adult volunteers. They were hooked up to electrodes and were given tests that determined their “p300” rates. Immediately after this, they were given supplements of DHA. Two hours later, their brain waves were measured again. This time, the rates were significantly faster in those given DHA. The researchers concluded that “DHA therefore, appears to be an effective drug that could improve mental function in healthy persons.” (Myanaga, K., K. Yonemura, and K. Yazawa. DHA shortens p300 latency in healthy persons. Presented in International Conference On Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids In Nutrition and Disease Prevention. 1996 Barcelona, Spain).
In studies with infants, it was found that newborns supplemented with DHA exhibit improved brain development, which allows them to process information faster (J Nutr 2000; 130:1629-32).
Since the retina has one of the highest concentrations of DHA, you could expect it to affect vision. Indeed, it does. One area that looks promising is dyslexia – a learning disorder characterised by reduced ability to recognise written words. Sometimes, there may be “visual switching” of words and letters in afflicted individuals. A report done by British researchers stated that patients treated with 480mg of DHA showed marked improvement in one month (The Lancet; Stordy et. al, 5th Aug 1995). DHA also seems to help with retinitis pigmentosa – a hereditary degenerative disease of the retina.
This brings problems like night blindness, narrowing of the field of vision and an eventual loss of vision.
PRISTIN® GOLD is the HIGHEST & cleanest (toxin-free) Omega-3 concentrates in a capsule. It contains 45% more Omega-3 per capsule compared to PRISTIN®.
PRISTIN® GOLD fish oil is sourced from Epax AS – the leading fish oil supplier with more than 170 years of Norwegian marine manufacturing expertise and ongoing commitment to purity, quality and innovation.
PRISTIN® GOLD is fully imported from Europe. It is manufactured by EuroCaps Ltd, UK where:
- One of Europe’s leading softgel contract manufacturers.
- GMP facility licensed by the UK Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
- Approved by various countries including US FDA and Saudi Arabia (Halal).
Cold water fish: Anchovy (Engraulidae), Sardine (Clupeidae) & Mackerel (Scrombridae).
Gelatin is obtained by the hydrolysis of collagen which is the principal protein found in skin and bones. Both PRISTIN® & PRISTIN® GOLD use the latest technology of fish derived gelatin.
The issue of Halal for Muslims with PRISTIN® GOLD fishgel does not arise. It is also suitable for Buddhists, Hindus and those who are concerned with bovine (cow) derived gelatin.
To comply with the new rules and regulations of the Malaysian National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA), the PRISTIN® GOLD label will only report only the Omega-3s contained in the product. However, rest assured that every capsule of PRISTIN® GOLD still contains 3mg of Vitamin E (mixed natural tocopherols) to guard the fish oil against rancidity.
To comply with the new rules and regulations of the Malaysian National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA), the OMATECH logo is no longer allowed on the PRISTIN® GOLD label and packaging. However, rest assured that PRISTIN® GOLD still toxin free in parts-per-trillion. All ingredients will go through proper checking and testing that compiles the approved quality criteria by our suppliers.
960mg | Total Omega-3 Content per Capsule | 660mg |
| Targeted User | Adults
Fish | Source of Gelatin | Fish |
Anchovy, Mackerel, Sardines | Fish Types | Anchovy, Mackerel, Sardines |
Yes | Toxin-free in Parts per Trillion (PPT) | Yes |
EPAX, Norway | Fish oil Supplier | EPAX, Norway |
PRISTIN® is 100% toxin-free fish oil tested in parts-per-trillion because of OMATECH™, an advanced molecular distillation technology. The fish oil is imported from Epax AS, Norway. Each PRISTIN® fishgel™ contains 1200mg of fish oil with 660 mg of total Omega-3 (396mg EPA & 264mg DHA).
PRISTIN® is sourced from Epax AS – the leading fish oil supplier with more than 170 years of Norwegian marine manufacturing expertise and ongoing commitment to purity, quality and innovation.
Fish are generally contaminated with toxins, in particular mercury, PCBs, dioxins and chlordane. These are chemicals and made by the industry and pollute our ocean. Fish accumulate these toxins in their flesh and when we eat the fish we accumulate them too.
No. We are the only fish oil company today using parts-per-trillion technology in testing for toxin found in fish oil. This will definitely give you 100% guarantee of the purity and confidence. For every batch the sample will send to USM, Malaysia to test.
We will assure all ingredients will go through proper checking and testing that compiles the approved quality criteria by our suppliers.
PRISTIN® fish oil is recognized Halal by Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM).
Even though the finished product is processing in Malaysia but the fish oil is imported from Norway and we are using the OMATECH™ technology to produce the finish product.
In fact, the technology to remove toxins is now refined to “parts per trillion” (PPT) up from “parts per billion” (PPB). Our competitors are still only assuring in parts per million (PPM).
We are the only fish oil company today using parts-per-trillion technology in testing for toxin found in fish oil. This will definitely give you 100% guarantee of the purity and confidence. Yet every batch of the fish oil production, the sample will send to USM, Malaysia to run the test.
We will assure all ingredients will go through proper checking and testing that compiles the approved quality criteria by our suppliers.
Cold water fish (Anchovy, Sardine & Mackerel).
Gelatin is obtained by the hydrolysis of collagen which is the principal protein found in skin and bones. PRISTIN® FISHGEL™ is the first to use the latest technology of fish derived gelatin in Malaysia. The issue of Halal for Muslims does not arise. PRISTIN® FISHGEL™ is also suitable for Buddhists, Hindus and those who are concerned with bovine (cow) derived gelatin.
Because mixed natural tocopherols possess antioxidant properties, it is typically added to fish oil FISHGEL™ to protect the essential fatty acids against rancidity. PRISTIN® FISHGEL™ contains high quality mixed natural tocopherols which is a better source compared to alpha tocopherol (Vit E) to protect the fish oil from oxidation.
The main difference between liver oil and fish body oil is that liver oil has high amount vitamin D. In warm tropical countries like us, the sunshine usually produces sufficient levels of vitamin D in the body. Supplementation is not necessary. Consuming liver oil in a warm weather like Malaysia is not really recommended.
Three Grades of Fish Oil
Basically there are three grades of fish oil: (1) Cod Liver Oil, (2) Health-Food Grade Fish Oil; and, (3) pharmaceutical grade fish oil.
What distinguishes one from another is PURITY.
Cod Liver Oil LOW QUALITY | Health Food Grade Fish Oil BETTER QUALITY | Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil HIGHEST QUALITY – highly |
– May contain PCBs, dioxin or mercury. – Can cause gastric upset including nausea. – Relatively high saturated fat content. – Strong dead fish taste because of impurities. – High dosage not recommended because of high Vitamin A levels that can be harmful, form of fish oil. | – May contain main made pollutants such as PCBs dioxin and mercury. — Limited molecular distillation sometimes done. – Can cause gastric upset nausea. – Relatively high content of saturated fat – Strong dead fish taste because of impurities (break capsule to taste). – May contain oxidized free-radical generating lipids that can’t be tasted. | – True molecular distillation process removes all main made pollutants such as PCBs, dioxins and mercury. – Rarely causes gastric upset. – Low saturated fat content. Will not freeze. – Tastes relatively good because it is so purified. – PRISTIN® meets the same quality control standards for fish oil purity established for fish oils used in ongoing clinical. |
Potency | Potency | Potency |
A typical one-teaspoon serving of cod liver oil contains 500mg of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. | A typical one-gram capsule of health food grade fish oil contains approximately 300 mg of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. | A 1.2gram capsule of PRISTIN® contains 660 mg of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids with 2 I.U. Mixed Natural Tocopherols. It has twice the EPA and DHA found in health-food grade fish oil. |
Not Safe at High Levels | Questionable if Safe at High Levels | Safe at High Levels |
May contain the highest levels of contaminants (organic mercury, PCBs and DDT) | May contain varying amounts of detectable contaminants. In addition, the fractional cooling method does not remove the PCBs or the long-chain monoene fatty acids that give rise to gastric distress. | It is so pure and refined that it will not contain any detectable amount of PCBs, heavy metals, dioxins and other contaminants. |
According to Nielsen, PRISTIN® is Malaysia’s No.1 fish oil brand for 6 consecutive years since 2008. Besides that, it is pharmacist’s most preferred fish oil brand based on survey done by USM. PRISTIN® is the only fish oil that is tested 100% toxin-free in parts-per-trillion because of OMATECH, an advanced molecular distillation technology. The fish oil is imported from Epax AS, Norway.
PRISTIN® is certified Halal by JAKIM and the softgel is derived from fish gelatin. In fact, PRISTIN® is the only fish oil to offer full money guarantee to anyone who can find toxin in it.
PRISTIN® MOPL™ – Marine Omega-3 phospholipids is the 3rd generation Omega-3.
1st Generation – purified fish oil in capsules or syrup (1970s – 1990s)
2nd Generation – concentrated fish oil delivering more Omega-3 per capsule (1995 – 2010)
3rd Generation – enhanced absorption delivering more Omega-3 to the blood and tissues (2010 and beyond)
Omega-3 phospholipids are amazing structures. They are more than 70% absorbed and highly stable. That is why they are actually incorporated into biological tissue in a process bioaccreation.
Omega-3 phospholipids are found in large amounts in the nutritive part early in life – milk and eggs. Indeed, human breast milk is the richest source of Omega-3 phospholipids found in Nature. The omega-3 found here is highly absorbed and extremely stable (that is why Mother’s milk though rich in omega 3 does not turn rancid). The second richest source is fish roe. The best part is that it is abundant. These structures are now called Marine Omega-3 Phospholipids (MOPL™).
- MOPL™ are nearly identical to omega-3 phospholipids found in our cell membranes.
- The unique phospholipids structure makes them very resistant towards oxidation. Ordinary fish oils have a tendency turn rancid quickly when exposed to oxygen.
- Clinical studies have demonstrated that phospholipid-bound omega-3 fatty acids are 2 times more bioavailable than triglyceride-bound Omega-3 fatty acids.
- MOPL™ are absorbed more than 70% compared to only 15% for typical Omega-3
- MOPL™ when mixed with normal fish oil, forms micelles increases the overall bioavailability by more than 2 times.
- MOPL™ exist in the same DHA-to-EPA ratio as mother’s milk (3 DHA : 1 EPA)
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MOPL™ | VS | Krill Oil |
High | EPA & DHA Contents | Low |
3 : 1 | DHA-to-EPA Ratio | 1 : 2 |
Cost effective | Cost | High |
++++ | Absorption & Bioavailability | ++ |
PRISTIN® MOPL™ is sourced from Norwegian spring spawning herring caviar ( a sustainable source ), supplied by Arctic Nutrition, Norway. The fishery is certified by Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).
Arctic Nutrition is a Norwegian biotechnology company that develops and markets premium marine ingredients based on Norwegian spring spawning herring caviar extracts. It is the leading Omega-3 phospholipids manufacturer in the world.
Bovine gelatin.
EucoCaps, UK
– One of Europe’s leading softgel contract manufacturers.
– GMP facility licensed by the UK Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
– Approved by numerous countries include US FDA & Saudi Arabia FDA.
Children, adults, pregnant and nursing mothers.
1 soft gel daily, after meals or as professionally recommended.
MOPL™ when mixed with normal fish oil, forms micelles increases the overall bioavailability by more than 2 times. You may choose to take PRISTIN® MOPL™ alone or in combination with PRISTIN®.
It is not about cost of omega-3 per capsule. It is about the cost of each milligram of Omega-3 in your blood.